Unity Tutorial One
Unity Tutorial One
For this task we began by learning some of the basics of creating a game using the unity engine. We followed video tutorials that were split into three sections which covered creating a new project, importing assets, adding assets to the game file and then coding to make the assets work a certain way.
At first it took me a while to actually get everything set up on my pc but after a while of installing and uninstalling and reinstalling again and placing it in a different location somehow sorted things out. For the most part I understood what i was doing and found the guided videos easy to follow. The task showed us how to make a car follow down a road and crash into obstacles.
The only thing that I think that I struggled with was the actual coding section of unity. Which is a fairly big chunk of it I know. But I think it will just take me time to get use to the terminology and what text does what in relation to the code. I found as well that the best thing to do is to keep the code as neat and tidy as possible so later down the line if there is one bit of code that isn't working for me I or someone else will be able to find it easier.
All in all though i am looking forward to using unity to make a game that will hopefully work.
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