Unity Tutorial 7

 For my unity tutorial this week I have been following a tutorial that I have found on YouTube. The tutorial is split into 6 videos and each of them focuses on a different aspect of an endless runner and its systems that would be present. The first video focused on adding the physical player and also the player movement and control scripts. It also showed how to add the camera follow the player as they moved. The second videos focusing on having the path continuously spawn and then once the player passes a certain point too delete paths behind them.

I found this YouTube playlist quite useful for creating my own game. However whilst doing certain sections I would continuously get errors which would force me to look over the videos a couple of times and sometimes rewrite certain c sharp scripts. Due to the scripts being case and spelling sensitive I may have had one word spelt wrong or have a upper case letter when I should have had a lower case. which would have caused the errors. Apart from that I'm finding them quite useful.

I do think though after I finish theses videos I will probably have to find another one to show how to add backgrounds and to change the look of certain assets and to clean and polish it all up. 


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