In terms of the state that my game is in id say that its going well there's still one or two things that I think that I can improve on but altogether the game is in a playable state. The player has a running animation, jump functionality, The background moves towards the player and repeats to make it look like the player is moving when in fact he is stuck in one position and can only move along the X axis with either the arrow or WASD keys.I also have obstacles that spawn along the players path and move towards him and if they hit the obstacle it ends the game and everything stops moving. The only problem with this is at the moment the obstacle only spawns in one position at the exact same time. So it is quite easy for the player to just avoid the obstacle completely. I have a video on YouTube showing me how to make the obstacles spawn at random positions along a marked boundary. The video also doesn't seem quite hard to follow and I should get it done quick enough.
This is the only thing I need to fix apart from another couple of small things so I think that I can meet the deadline for this game. If I have time though I may try and add a timer to the game as a score method for the player to see how long they can play for.
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