Review Week Comments and Feedback

 Review Week Comments and Feedback

I think that a vast majority of the feedback that I have gotten has been really helpful. The comments and feedback relating back to my game project especially. I have gotten comments that have gave me suggestions on what might work better for my game in terms of assets to use and what type of mechanics might work well in general for the flow of the game. Also just the comments that say that they like the look of the game so far or whatever stage I was at in the game development process. It helped at stages of the development when I thought that I was messing up everything or I didn't know if I was doing any of it right to be honest. Then looking at comments under the blog posts saying that they like what they see so far or that they like how I did a certain aspect. It was very reassuring for me.

In terms of the feedback I gave out to other people I think that a vast amount of it was helpful for them. Just like the feedback I got I tried to comment on what I liked about the work they had so far whether that be there game design document, the first playable or from one of the weeks of them just talking about how there getting on in general relating to the game. I am actually looking forward to seeing peoples finished games. I also tried to give suggestions that might work better for there game. Examples of this could have been to add a type of mechanic that they haven't thought about including or to cut back on a certain mechanic because it might not suit the game in your opinion.

After commenting on other peoples blogs I found it quite interesting to look at posts as the weeks went on to see more being added to classmates games. As they began to add mechanics and assets that they talked about near the beginning of the year. It was nice to see a visual of the ideas that they had for there game projects. I will say that some of the comments that I have left I think weren't as useful to whoever's blog I commented on. This could be at the beginning of the year where we introduced are self's. But those posts also helped to find out other peoples interests and hobbies. Before that you may not have known that certain people have the same interest of music or films etc.



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