Project Brainstorm

 Project (brainstorm)

 For the second half of the second semester we are tasked with creating a game in unity based on the tutorials we have been following for the last couples of weeks whether that be a 2d game or a game in XR. This week I have spent doing catch up on the project work and am going to start on my brainstorm. For my initial brainstorm I have three possible ideas that I have for creating this 2d game by the end of the semester which are as follows:

IDEA 1: 

For the first idea that I had was to follow the same game idea that I had for the first semester. That being an endless runner. At the moment I do not have an idea for the theme or character at this very moment. However I do think that it will be a lot easier for me to do compared to the other two ideas that I have due to the fact I have already made a three dimensional endless runner and if I was to go with this plan I would be essentially the same style of code rather instead of coding with 3 dimensions in consideration I am only working with two which could work out in my favour in the long run.

IDEA 2: 

For my second Idea for my 2d game is create something along the lines of Mario in the sense of a simple platforming game which will have the the player control a character which jumps onto ledges and platforms collects coins and is timed. Due to the timespan I have to create this game my best bet will probably be only to create one or possibly two levels and how the players will compete will be based on how quickly they are able to complete the levels. 

IDEA 3: 

For my third idea I believe is not the strongest out of the three would be to make something along the lines of rubies adventure. That being a large open 2d environment where the player has to carry out tasks defeat enemies and gather collectibles. I have a feeling this would be very time consuming however I do have all of the previous tutorials which could help and I basically switch my character models around with theres and the same for the location.

All and all I think I am more swayed towards the endless runner or possibly switching it up slightly and creating the platforming game. 


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