Tutorial 7
Tutorial 7
For this weeks unity task we continued on with rubies adventure. This week we added sound to the game this involved importing mp3 files, adding a listener to distinguish where this sound will be and also a audio source which will be relevant to a game object or space
I already had a bit of an idea importing mp3 files and adding a listener to my unity project to have the music or sound play at a certain point of the game. I had already done this for my 3d game last semester where I added music while actually playing the game and also a different music to play while the player was on the main menu.
I found it quite interesting the way of adding certain audio sounds in a certain space and area which i could include in my own game while in the space of an enemy.The final part of the tutorial was exporting the game project and to actually play the game. I think the tutorials during the last couple of weeks were quite useful and will work well I have to work on my own 2d game. They will also have certain section to look back on when I want to implement certain features
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