After from what I said I still needed to add for my first playable my game is essentially finished. I have added a game over screen icon, a reset after a game over, a score counter and I have also added music to the game to liven it up a little bit.
Before all of that was done I had to still set if the player hit the ground or the pipes they would trigger a game over. This would also reset the game to the the start point also. This was done by adding code that would say if the player were to hit any of the triggers the game would completely stop and none of the other scripts would continue to run.
Once that was done I added script for a score counter, a play button and the game over image to appear during a game over. I also found some music from youtube that I liked and attached that to the player so it would play once the play button was pressed. I also set it to a loop so it would constantly play and not stop. I didn't really find this section of the game development difficult due to most of the hard coding already done in my first playable. The game over section triggers were not as easy but I got through it.
The last thing that needs to be done is a bit of user testing to see if I need to make any changes and after that the game can be published. Also here is all my code by the end of finishing the game.
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