Game prototype

 Game Prototype

for this week I started to create my 2d platformer game in unity. I have some of the mechanics added put other aspects need to be added and code written. Im also following a video that i found on youtube.

 I started by creating a unity project with the game title. Once that was done I began by adding the image of the builder as the player model to the project. With the player model itself I added a player controller script to it which allow it to move along the x axis left and right by using the A and D keys. I also had to add the option for the player to jump. so now if the player presses the space bar the character will go straight up along the y axis.

For the level itself I began by adding the platforms for the player to jump on. At the moment I have the randomly placed along the axis just to make sure that I works correctly and the player doesn't just go right through them and that they are also actually able to jump up to them.

For the the stuff that still needs to be added is the stop point for the player, a timer feature, collectibles for the player to gather while they are playing the level example coins and some other features.


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