Publishing Task 3

 Publishing Task 3 

The aim of the site is for it to be a blog website relating to new and popular releases of shoes, sneakers and news relating to these products. Most of the site is blog posts but the home page also features a slide show piece at the top which allows the reader to view a certain article. The page includes a comment section under each post and an author box which gives a brief description about the user who created the post. Underneath this there is also a related post plugin which matches the post with categories based on the brand and collaboration  of the shoe. I have also included code snippets which improve the comment section images and access to the dashboard. 

Plugins used:
1 Smart Slider
Smart slider allows me to import images and edit the text and place them into a slide show format on a page or post. I added 4 slides to my home page. Each slide is based off a different post which has a see more button which links to the certain post.
2 Simple author box 
Simple author box allows me to include an author description under each post I make on the website. A brief description about myself which will also link off to a social media page
3 Image optimiser 
This plugin allows the images to only load when they are actually needed to reduce loading times

4 Jetpack 
Increases overall speed of the website and also includes a gallery feature which I included

5 Related post  
Shows related posts based on the blog post you are looking at

Code snippets I used were codes relating to comment length, being the max and mi n amount of characters, image code snippets and also code snippets to increase the security of the WordPress dashboard.


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